3M Abrasive - We Need your Help (2)!


New Member
Good Morning!

I posted on this forum a couple of days ago and got a great response. So, I will give it another shot and see if you can be of more assistance.

As I wrote before, my name is Jackson Shulman and I work for 3M in the Abrasive Systems Division. My division is looking to speak with customers of abrasives products to better understand how customers decide which products and brands to purchase and what they look for from an abrasives supplier in terms of abrasives information, service and products. We would also like to understand what customers would like from us in terms of online presence - what is 3M's presence now? How can it be improved?

I have set up times to speak with some people from this forum. I am now looking for people from small shops (purchase less than $5k of abrasives/year) who make abrasives purchasing decisions that would be willing to speak with me. Do you or any of your friends (outside of knife manufacturing) fit this category? If so, would you or your friend be willing to speak with one of my colleagues for 30 minutes regarding these topics? In exchange for the time, we will send that person a 3M gift box which includes products such as Post-it Notes, respirators and Scotch tape.

Please reach out to me personally at jshulman@mmm.com if you or anyone you know fits this description.

Thanks very much and I hope to be able to speak with you soon.

Jackson Shulman
Jackson you talk about a small shop. Thats me. lol I would have no problem talking with you. As a new knife maker its nice to know that some of the big companies actually want to hear what we are looking for. I have sent you an email
A sample box of abrasive belts/paper may be a better gift given this is a knife making forum..... :biggrin:
I'm a one man show, with no time for phone calls and I hate talking on the phone. Having said that, price and performance. I've bought expensive abrasive products and some were excellent, and some I was disappointed in the performance or durability. I've bought cheap stuff. Some is as good as the stuff that's 2 or 3 times the price, some I'd have been better off licking the surface. I like a good , functional website with lots of info. That's where many people start these days. Here on Vancouver Island, I don't see 3M abrasive products hardly at all. Mostly Klingspor, Norton or the cheap stuff like Task brand. I'm always impressed when a company is willing to send you a sample pack. Maybe one geared for woodies, one for metal faber's, auto body, etc. If you get it in peoples hands to try, they'll make up their own minds. Proof is in the pudding. I got a sample pack of Freud's new Diablo line of 4.5" grinder disks. Likely, I may have not tried them otherwise, but hot damn. One try was all I needed to know that they were worth the extra money vs the Klingspor ones I'd been stuck having to use cause that's all I could get at my local tool store. Keeping an eye on the web and forums could be very valuable as well. People talk. And these days word gets around quickly. See what folks are saying. Likes, dislikes? It's free R&D. It may let you know there's a bad batch out there you need to claw back or offer to replace for people. It only takes one bad experience with a product and that person is gone for good. Join forums. Address people with questions/issues directly. It shows you care and truly want to help. I'd be impressed as hell if a manufacturer chimed in and said lets get you squared away, I'll get you some new samples to try, sorry it didn't meet your expectations, let me try to make it right. I'm impressed you made this post. Tells me at least you are thinking of ways to be more affective and are smart enough to know where to look. :35: