cold anvil


I have a good knifemaking book that tells me that even before the heat treat begins, the forging needs to be done at the right temps. I was outside at 10 below and could see the blade cool (from orange to grey) as soon as it touched the anvil, especially as I was getting the bevels down. If I don't warm up that anvil while I'm forging am I going to have a hard time later with grain refinement when I heat treat?

Thanks a lot,
A cold anvil will not effect heat cycling but it will cut down on the amount of time that you have to forge on one heat. Try heating up a bar of steel and letting it cool on the face of the anvil until it feels warm.

Thanks Doug. I had considered heating it with hot steel from the forge. I was going to put hangars on the sides so I could insert hot round stock on each side but hadn't thought exactly how. Placing steel on top is much simpler. Thanks for the advice.

Thanks for getting me thinking Doug. I had a chainsaw bar I was going to use for knives but changed my mind. After I cut it in half both pieces were lying there so I decided to try this. I saw something similar for hardie tools. These'll come off and on and fit into the forge. Just right for a railroad track anvil but the next ones will be thicker steel. DSCF2211.jpg
