Sonoran EDC


OAL- 7.5 inches
Precision hand forged from 1095 steel
Handle- Ebonized maple
Wrapping- Woven cotton cord, sealed with natural orange flake shellac
End piece- Bronze and copper



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I like it. The treatment on the maple looks really good. I use a lot of aqua fortis (ferric nitrate) for maple. Did you do that with Ferric acetate, or potassium permanganate, or something else?
Thanks Kevin. It's the ebonizing process I use on a variety of natural materials. It's a two part "patina". First I brush on a tannic solution made from pecan shells and water, let that dry and then vinegaroon, a solution of steel wool dissolved in vinegar. Some woods that contain high levels of tannins, don't need the first step, just the vinegaroon.
got it, that is ferric acetate! yeah, I have some oak that I could just turn purple/black without adding anything. I like the adding of the tannins first, that is a really good idea.

ferric nitrate turns oak purple/black due to tanins, too. But, I want to play with vinegaroon, now.
love the old names: aqua fortis, vinegaroon, etc. They are so much more expressive than chemical names.
thanks again,
If you make the vinegaroon in a jar, be sure and put a little hole in the lid so it can gas out. Also, wash the steel wool with dish soap first to remove any oil.