Paracord Fids - WIP...


I make a lot of my own paracord items from lanyards for the knives I smith to bracelets and even dog collars. As a paracord craftsman I needed several sets of fids. Fids are used on the ends of the cord to make lacing easier. They run about $15 a set. Off I went to find an easier solution for my wallet and a better fid. IMHO

I found some threaded aluminum posts (also known as binding posts), and extensions, at an Burgin’s Ace hardware store, that can be modified to work as lacing needles (fids) for paracord knot work. The posts I got were 3” long and the extension are 1”. I used a drill and a bench grinder to shape the tip on the posts.

The posts already have internal screw threads, compared with the DIY lacing needle’s requiring you to drill/tap your own threads or do without. The threads allow the needles to grip and hold onto paracord as you work, so to modify the posts you just have to grind off the lip of the top section of the post and grind/sand it down to a shaped point for use. I used an old 120 grit belt, 220 grit sandpaper, 000 steel wool, and my go to Simichrome for the final finish.

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I was able to make this set of paracord fids in less than 15 minutes with little effort and for about $5.00 or so with 3 extensions. In addition, these fids do not require you to cut the end of the paracord at a 45 degree angle before inserting the paracord - just lightly singe the end first.

If you prefer a longer fid, you can add more extension posts. Well that how I made mine, and they make paracord lacing a whole lot more fun!

PS: I have used them lacing leather also, they work a lot better than my needles.
just found this,dont really know when it was posted but as my little sisters would say OMG!!! that a great idea and i cant wait to try it out ive been needing some more fids for all the work i do with my paracord. great idea and thanks for sharing.
p.s. we really need a paracord forum for the dogs to talk "rope" in. if anyone out there listening that is. lol