Grinding after forging


Danny F

I am having a brian fart, I completed the forging process and now ready for my grinding, here lies the question. Do I grind the ricossoflat first or grind the bevels and distal taper first, I know dumb question seeing how I have done 5 blades before but just havent made knives in a while and cant remember. Any advice is appriciatedunsure
I've heard a couple of renowned makers say the following: build the knife off of the ricasso.

In other words, establish your ricasso, and everything else flows from that.

I think about if you grind you bevels first, then you go and flatten the ricasso, you may have to remove more material on one side vs. the other, and your bevels will then become uneven in relation to the ricasso. If your ricasso is flat and squared, you grind the bevels to meet it evenly on both sides.

Flats, center line the blade. Always give yourself a set point that is repeatable to return to. I grind the ricasso flat, even up the sides, scribe a center line on top, do the plunges. Grind to about 90%, at 600 belt. Throw on the clay, heat treat and then do final.