Recent content by wizrd

  1. W

    New guy....contemplating Katana purchase...inquiry on sori?

    I'm a hoplessly steel addicted knife accumulator, hoping to eventually purchase a Katana, to add to my collection. Not an antique or genuine Japanese Katana, but something of new manufacturer. Although I am not a practitioner of Japanese swordsmanship, or the Katana, I would like it to be a...
  2. W

    New Sheath

    That's some outstanding leather carving going on there, great job!
  3. W

    New guy from New York....

    upstate, that is, not the city. Wizrd here, knife accumulator, my collection has no definite theme, I just like all things sharp & shiny, kind of like a racoon. (Sometimes they don't have to be shiny.) Have made a few knives from kits & purchased blades. Been making some knife sheaths...