Recent content by diavoli

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    5160 bowie

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    Stuart Wilson Kukri

    Cheers Stew! I know Stu has another one on the go at the moment
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    Stuart Wilson Kukri

    Thanks murph! I've only given her a bit of use, but a 4" diameter piece of deadfall didn't offer much of a fight :D
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    Stormcrow in the blue light

    That'll be bringing a smile to someones face!
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    Stuart Wilson Kukri

    Thanks gents! I really appreciate your comments.
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    Stuart Wilson Kukri

    Hey fellas, been lurking for a while now and finally felt its time I contributed to the site! So, I'd like to share with you a piece made by a very talented UK maker Stuart Wilson. His beautiful blade influenced by the traditional Khukri… 12” blade, 18” overall length of 8mm O1 steel...
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    Hello from the UK!

    Just found your site, and was totally taken by the friendly atmosphere that seems to fill this forum. I hope as well as finding lots of info here, that I'll be able to help a little myself!