
I started cutting my blanks and making fixed blade knives in 2008. I learn something new everyday. I am still trying to make a knife without a flaw. I don't think it is possible. I am my own worst critic. I find that people don't want to pay the amount of money for a handmade knife and handmade sheath that I want for them. They don't realize how much time and effort go into making a knife and don't care. So I'll just keep them. I'm now learning to etch and scrimshaw.

Knives, Rifles, Pistols, Outdoor things, like growing different nut trees or should I say trying to.
Powhatan, Virginia
Favorite knife.
My own. The old PUMA knives are nice.
Your Favorite Knife Handle Color
Stag ,Black buffalo is nice to work, can't afford the Mesquites & Ironwoods.