Recent content by Atractaspis

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    Hello from southern California!

    From one SoCal KnifePup to another, welcome.
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    Meteorite Damascus Gyuto, Chef knife

    Wow! Just wow. I'm speechless, amazed, inspired and in awe. Love it!
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    NOOB wanting to learn the art of knife making

    Thank you all for the warm welcomes! HHH Knives - Words can't describe the awe I feel when I see that meteorite damascus masterpiece you recently posted. I had no idea. Wow, just wow! I am truly humbled and inspired. And rhinoknives, I'm about an hour or so east of Santa Monica...
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    NOOB wanting to learn the art of knife making

    Hello fellow Knife Dogs. Total NOOB here; enjoying my new hobby (knife collecting/study), hoping to learn a thing or two about the art knife making.